Monday, 10 September 2012

Loading Problem?

March 2013 - Good news, Charlie is now loading and calmly accepting the ramp going up. Owners are delighted and will be off to some shows with the children once the weather improves! It took time, but the approach means that Charlie no longer has an issue with loading; it's not been done under duress, but with patience turning the experience into a positive one for him.

Original Post:
Still working with Charlie the pony who used to go over backwards in his efforts not to step on board a trailer. He loads nicely now - even on his own as this video shows (do I look pleased with myself?), but it is the closing of the ramp that is holding us up now. It's like he's claustrophobic. Overcoming his fear of being enclosed will take longer. What is needed is a new behaviour for him to focus on. With patience and positive reinforcement he will learn that there is nothing to worry about.